71. Double Feature: His Motorbike, Her Island (Kare no Motorbike, Kanojo no Shima) & Happy Together (春光乍洩)
dir. Ōbayashi Nobuhiko, 1986 & Wong Kar-wai, 1997
We were going to watch Wild At Heart but then we realized we had two movies we watched together to talk about and hadn't done a proper episode in a while. So we decided to clear out our backlog of things to discuss to prepare us for the new year of... finishing this David Lynch project but in a slightly different way than we originally intended.
Next week we will be back to talk about Wild At Heart. For real this time!
You can follow Niamh on twitter @FoxmomNia and listen to faer other podcasts, Ghost Divers, Pondering Pootan, and Around the Long Fire by going to exportaud.io/ghostdivers, exportaud.io/pootan, and abnormalmapping.com/longfire.
You can follow Autumn on twitter by going to @Autumnal_Coffee and listen to all of their podcasts by going to exportaud.io.
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