102. Cruising
dir. William Friedkin, 1980
Episode title: There is a beautiful white child with the face of an adult in a fuzzy photo of sasquatch pose
Next week we will be back to talk about Querelle! Yes, actually next week because we got off schedule with this episode because Niamh was sick as shit.
You can follow Niamh on twitter @FoxmomNia and listen to faer other podcasts, Ghost Divers, Pondering Pootan, and Around the Long Fire by going to exportaud.io/ghostdivers, exportaud.io/pootan, and abnormalmapping.com/longfire.
You can follow Autumn on twitter by going to @Autumnal_Coffee and listen to all of their podcasts by going to exportaud.io.
You can see how we rated this stairwell and all the other stairwells by going to exportaud.io/stairwellquality
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