77. Soleil Ô
dir. Med Hondo, 1970
I don't have a funny quote for this one and I'm tired because Daylight Saving fucked me right up, sorry.
Also, the Stairwells Movie Bracket is now over! You can listen to the episode by becoming a $5 patron at exportaud.io!
You'll also get the next episode on Black Orpheus early, which is already out when you are reading this, where we will talk through the predictions and crown our winner!
You can follow Niamh on twitter @FoxmomNia and listen to faer other podcasts, Ghost Divers, Pondering Pootan, and Around the Long Fire by going to exportaud.io/ghostdivers, exportaud.io/pootan, and abnormalmapping.com/longfire.
You can follow Autumn on twitter by going to @Autumnal_Coffee and listen to all of their podcasts by going to exportaud.io.
You can see how we rated this stairwell and all the other stairwells by going to exportaud.io/stairwellquality
You can also get listen to this podcast a week early by giving us a dollar on the patreon!!!
Find out more at https://ornate-stairwells.pinecast.co