1 year ago
87. Police Story 2 (警察故事续集) / Land Without Bread (Las Hurdes) / Calling Mr. Smith
dir. Jackie Chan, 1988 / dir. Luis Buñuel, 1933 / dirs. Franciszka Themerson & Stefan Themerson, 1943
Watch as the podcasters suffer and die foolishly.
Next week we will be back to talk about Lost Highway!
You can follow Niamh on twitter @FoxmomNia and listen to faer other podcasts, Ghost Divers, Pondering Pootan, and Around the Long Fire by going to exportaud.io/ghostdivers, exportaud.io/pootan, and abnormalmapping.com/longfire.
You can follow Autumn on twitter by going to @Autumnal_Coffee and listen to all of their podcasts by going to exportaud.io.
You can see how we rated this stairwell and all the other stairwells by going to exportaud.io/stairwellquality
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